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Top 10 Fitness Brand & Best Gym Social Media Accounts

When it comes to gym marketing, the best thing you can do is learn from the pros—the seasoned gym and fitness brands that have mastered communicating their brand, mission, and values to the world across different platforms. Instagram is arguably one of the best ways for both gym and fitness brands to showcase their personalities…

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Harnessing the Power of Social Media to Raise Fund for an Athlete Foundation

Those who run a professional athletes foundation always have fundraising running in their minds. Being seen as leaders in helping people, they are constantly looking for more ways to support athletes in need or challenged athletes. Now that the Olympics 2021 just came to a conclusion, people would have seen many athletes’ journeys to the…

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Are You Guilty of These Athlete Social Media Management Mistakes?

Social media is one of the best ways to reach your people on a daily basis. It lets you communicate with them, share fun stories, and you get to keep them involved even when the season is over. But athlete social media management isn’t as simple as you might think. In fact, it’s pretty easy…

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Better Social Media Management Can Increase Athlete Sponsorship Opportunities

For many athletes, growing their careers requires more than just playing a good game. It requires improving their visibility, networking with brands, gaining sponsorships, and connecting with fans. All of this can be done online through creative marketing tactics, but nothing helps more than boosting social media presence. Here’s what you need to know about how…

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Making a Big Impact in Sports: Social Media Agency’s Advantages to Teams & Athletes

These days, everything revolves around social media. It’s how we stay in touch with friends, share our passions, and stay connected with brands and organizations we support. As a sports team manager, you know that a vibrant social media presence is key in helping your team grow and make the impact that you know it…

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A Guide on How to Market An Athlete: Social Media in Sports Marketing (Part 5 of 6)

In our previous guide on how to market an athlete, we’ve discussed the fundamentals of creating sports marketing campaigns. And now that we’ve covered the basics including the importance of SEO and Content marketing, it’s time we delve into the world of social media managing! Nowadays, marketing strategies feel incomplete without social media platforms. Regardless…

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3 Retail Brands With Winning Social Media Game

To say that the Internet and technology has changed things is an understatement — because frankly speaking, it has found several ways to reform the way we do things! From the way we communicate with one to how we consume things. It’s also had a huge affect on retail brands. And one of the many…

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5 Social Media Tips for Your Sportswear Company

Growing a sportswear company is an exciting process and if you’ve already developed a website, you’re off to a great start. But you’re going to need far more than a well-designed website to get your products in front of people. You need to start thinking about building a solid social media presence. If you’re not…

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5 Ways Athletes Can Profit from Social Media and Sports Marketing

These days, more people are spending their time online than ever before. For most, that time is spent scrolling through social media pages and checking out videos that they might find interesting. For athletes, staying active on social media is an absolute must if they want to increase their following and reach new fans. That’s…

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How Social Media Influences Consumer Purchasing Decisions

Social media has evolved greatly in the past fifteen years. Long gone are the days of AOL Chat Rooms and Myspace when social media was primarily used to share photos and communicate online. Now, social media has become a source for obtaining news and information, as well as a means of entertainment. Additionally, social media…