As a personal trainer, your job is to help people live better and lead healthier lives — and you’re great at your job! But what’s the use of your great training skills if only a handful of people are aware of it? This is where the question of how you can build your clientele comes, with the help of creative fitness marketing! With the help of digital marketing experts, you could promote your gym and fitness business online, and you could grow your business and gain new clients and potential customers
Having success stories as a fitness instructor comes down to great fitness marketing and with the right marketing campaigns in place, you’ll set yourself up for long-term success.
Here are a few great innovative fitness promotional ideas to try right now!
Get Down with Social Media
These days, almost everyone has a social media account — and they’ve used it for other purposes aside from connecting with their friends. Some use it to look up different gym memberships in their locality while some use it to check reviews on several fitness clubs. You can attract new customers and potential clients when you take advantage of the power of creating social media posts. See, content marketing is not just about blog posts and SEO alone, optimizing and maximizing your social media accounts also help promote your fitness business online.
With this in mind, social media has become a great channel for growing your business. Digital marketing for fitness now starts on social media and if you’re a fitness professional that isn’t on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, you’re missing out.
If you are thinking of gym marketing ideas, think of how Nike is doing. They’ve got influencers, brand ambassadors, marketing campaigns; the whole package of fitness marketing. When you market your gym on social media, you are not just hard selling your business and services, you would also want to tap into the emotions of your target market. The best examples of fitness marketing ideas are those that inspire and provoke awareness for fitness and the world.
Kickstart your fitness marketing campaign by opening an account! You can go ahead and start sharing fitness tips and other inspirational posts like motivational fitness quotes that your existing clients can share within their network. You can also explore exercise science and discuss how bodily movements contribute to an individual’s overall wellness. Furthermore, weekly gym challenges are a big thing on Instagram!
Afterwards, you can start thinking about expanding your reach by implementing Facebook display ads that market your fitness classes! This tactic is a cost-efficient way of growing your target audience and increasing your visibility. If you want to rank on Google search engine, marketing your gym on social media is a great first step to take.
Build an Email Marketing List

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Chances are, the majority of your existing clients already communicate with you by email — if not, prospects who already visited your website have probably wondered if you have an existing email list.
Having an email marketing list is one of the most important fitness marketing ideas. Think of it as your list of connections, potential clients and new members looking for a gym membership.
Though email marketing is seen as one of the more ancient ways of promoting yourself, it continues to be a concrete digital marketing strategy for fitness! If you’re yet to start your own newsletter, you can make use of your existing contact information to build your email list. Your current clients will receive weekly workout guides and other fitness tips for free. Additionally, email marketing opens up your first platform for sharing your fitness journey! You could target new members by sending out tailored meal plans or a discounted personal training session, and other personalized fitness and health content that your customers would relate to. Fitness marketing campaigns with a strong pool of email list are more likely to gather new members that lasts.
Share Your Fitness Journey!
When it comes to marketing fitness, getting personal is always a great plan. It’s important to realize that when it comes to personal branding, emotional connection is one of the greatest secret ingredients for a marketing campaign and more branding strategies.
For example, clients come to a personal trainer for help, but it’s easy for prospective leads to feel intimidated. They may feel insecure and feel judged by someone like you who spends much of their time inside gyms, living a healthy life.
Another example of fitness marketing ideas is when you share your very own fitness business journey.
Take some of that fear away by marketing your own fitness story! You can cultivate a promotional series around your own journey from wanting a healthier lifestyle to acing your certification exam and share it with the rest of your audience. This is a great way of humanizing your image to your clients. Additionally, the use of social channels like Facebook or Instagram makes it a more intimate experience for them.
You could consider sharing your weight loss story as one of your gym marketing ideas. New gym members would not just relate but they would be inspired. Now, your fitness marketing ideas have now evolved into actually helping your clients in a more personal way.
By becoming relatable, you become trustworthy and people will be more likely to work with you than others in the industry. To illustrate, let’s take a look at the popular marketing strategies for gyms! A large majority of marketing campaigns for gyms rely on telling consistent stories of victories through hardships. This may be through sharing motivational fitness and weight loss quotes and other exercise slogans.
The best creative fitness marketing ideas are ones that come easily to you. Remember, you’re selling your personality aside from your services. And the moment you seem out of touch with reality, you’ll have a hard time sounding authentic.
Personal trainers who want to build a solid foundation for their image as fitness professionals go above and beyond fitness selling personal training T-shirts for a new gym membership. Be a leader and not just a boss.
Sharing Fitness Freebies And More
A point often overlooked is that most well-known fitness instructors started marketing fitness by giving away valuable, free information! As a matter of fact, it’s a well-known marketing strategy across different industries.
Make the most out of your website and your email list by offering free trials of your services. For instance, prospect leads hoping to give your fitness services a try can download free workout guides and other great e-books that showcases your style as a fitness instructor.
Encourage people to sign up by offering free monthly tips and tricks, nutrition advice, and anything else you feel could be useful to your clients. Though information should always be the main focus of these emails, you can also advertise upcoming fun fitness events like group exercises, new training programs, and discounts as they happen. Just keep promotions as a side focus—the last thing you want to do is come across as spammy. After your fitness classes you could throw in a few freebies once in a while, it still is a great way to boost customer loyalty.
Spreading The Fitness Virus
Another key point why downloadable freebies like e-books and workout videos work is it’s easily shareable. Nothing really beats the power of word-of-mouth referrals and social media has made it easier for people to connect with one another!
Encourage your current clients to share your freebie with their friends alongside an incentive that they will both enjoy. For example, if they get a few of their friends to attend some of your classes, they get free passes to your other services. It’s a tested strategy! As a matter of fact, studies around referrals have revealed that those who gave the referral are more interested in helping their loved ones out.
Aside from this, you can also create emails that are meant for referrals offering free services for a limited time. It’s best to set free sessions when your schedule can accommodate them.
Collaborating With Other Health and Wellness Brands
Collaborations are another strategy to reach out to other fitness audiences and at the same time, gaining an ally who shares your passion for fitness, brand’s vision, and that serves as a dumbbell to strengthen your brand’s image.
In this case, you are looking for another brand that complement your services and helps you reach out to a new gama of audiences. By making together a branding strategy, campaign or creating an event together, both sides will have the possibility of showcasing their services and promoting them to a wider audience. When collaborating with another brand, it is important for both sides of the collaboration to perceive an equal benefit and chance to showcase what their respective brands have to offer.
Personal Branding And Why It Matters one of Gym Marketing Ideas
Ever wondered how politicians and athletes are able to promote themselves so efficiently, they cultivate communities? The answer is personal branding.
Wikipedia defines personal branding as a practice of promoting one’s self and your career as a brand. It’s a constant process of developing and maintaining your reputation and the people’s impression of you as a professional.
It’s a useful marketing tactic that ensures your image stands out amongst the sea of personal trainers. While this may be true, it’s no easy feat. Even celebrities like Oprah Winfrey have gone through several style iterations before defining herself as one of the most influential personal brands in the world.
As a matter of fact, recent studies have revealed that global executives attribute 44% of their company’s market value to the reputation of their CEO. Furthermore, it plays an important role in attracting prospective employees and keeping them!
If you’re fairly new to the game, it’s almost too easy to get lost in the maze. Before getting started, here are a few tips you’ll need to keep your personal brand on track!
Stay Focused on Marketing Strategies
One of the common mistakes most people make in terms of branding themselves is losing focus. Too many people are trying to be everything to everyone — which is impossible, frankly speaking.
Choose a key message that resonates well with your target audience and stick by it. Having one fundamental value makes it easier for you to curate content that’ll define you to your audience. The more specific you are, the better.
Furthermore, consistency will help you build an easily identifiable image in the market. The more focused your personal brand is, the more memorable you become to your clients!
Host Engaging Fitness Events
Hosting special events like workshops, fitness challenges, and group fitness classes is another strategy that will help you succeed in providing your business with a solid and robust marketing strategy. Besides allowing your fitness brand to grow when it comes to reaching new audiences of your interest, hosting events is also the perfect chance to showcase more about what your business has to offer, why they should join your business instead of going with others, and what are the advantages and benefits they will have by attending your events.
When hosting and planning an event to showcase your brand’s vision and services, it is essential to have a well-planned and structured strategy for your audience to find exciting and appealing. What are some ways in which you can improve and make my event content and activities easier? Here’s how you do it:
Identify Your Target Audience
Because only some gym-goers are looking for the same objectives and goals, market segmentation is a tool that will help you create the perfect event to catch your audience’s attention and release an activity that appeals to them. Dividing your audience by age, gender, fitness experience, and goals are just examples of how you can accomplish this.
Make Sure to Provide Interesting and Reliable Content During Your Event
If the goal of your event is to provide information or tips related to workout routines, nutritional guidance, and ways in which gym-goers can improve their exercise efficiency, make sure that all the topics and data you provide are legit and understandable. Also, doing some research about the current trending topics and interests of your audience is a good idea to decide what focus point you would like your business to have
Hire Professional Trainers and Instructors If you are Offering a Group Fitness Class or Workout Session as Part of your Event
Because you are looking to leave a good impression on the event’s attendants, showcasing a functional, dynamic, and guided class with the help of a professional is one focus point you must take care of. A lot of the attendees are going to decide whether to join your fitness center or go somewhere else depending on the experience they had at your hosting event. That is why offering them the best background will be a hook to catch their attention and leave them with a positive image and experience of your brand.
Testimonials and Reviews
As part of marketing ideas, user-generated content is one of the best ways to generate a positive brand image and, at the same time, allow your fitness members to tell their stories and experiences from their fitness journey with the help of your brand.
When a person is doubtful about which brand or fitness center to attend, it is common for them to look for other people’s experiences and personal opinions regarding your brand. By showcasing different users’ positive experiences, the chances of choosing your business for their fitness goals can increase drastically. It is the perfect chance to generate brand trust and make your business look good in the eyes of new audiences and possible customers.
Provide Personalized Coaching Services and Fitness Plans
Nowadays, gym users are looking for a more personalized fitness experience according to their own personal goals. It is about more than just the quality of your equipment and facilities. Still, you need to remember that by providing your members with closer attention, the better they will feel about your services, and the higher the chances of generating a long-term loyalty program they would like to purchase.
Personal trainers play a crucial role in every fitness business. Because they are the ones that spend more time interacting with your members, a company that counts on an experienced work team that showcases efficiency and attention to every member and is willing to offer their personal services for gym users that are looking for a closer training program will be a strong ally when promoting your business to others.
Don’t Forget About Your Online Users
For a couple of years now, online services of every type have gained a lot of importance. Many gym-goers prefer to do their workout routines through group classes and attend fitness seminars or courses remotely and from the comfort of their space. That is why generating special classes, events, lectures, and workshops for them is another idea that will help you catch the attention of online audiences.
Remember that the quality of your online content also matters. Online platforms provide users the possibility of sharing their thoughts, personal experiences, and opinions about a service or event with the rest of the world in no time. Maintaining quality and attention to your online content and services is pivotal to generating a positive experience and expanding your business to the technological realm.
Charity Events
Charity events are another idea to promote your business with a positive social approach. Nowadays, the humanitarian and social compromise a brand has speaks a lot to audiences and gym-goers. Showcasing a human side of your business not only generates brand trust and loyalty but also makes your business look great in the eyes of possible customers and investors.
Look for an organization or brand dedicated to helping gym-goers in different ways and offer your services so they can showcase the work they are doing every day. This way, you will be providing the organization another gama of the audience that might be interested in helping or joining their cause, and at the same time, showcase your brand’s commitment to helping other fitness organizations to reach as much help as you can offer to promote their important task and contribution to the fitness industry.
Offering New Products and Services
If you are planning on adding new services and products to your brand, promoting them on your website channels, inside facilities, and events is another idea to announce these additions and, at the same time, your brand.
Think about what gym-goers and fitness enthusiasts are looking for, from clothing, nutritional services, training equipment, or a unique or new group fitness class that calls their attention and resonates with what they are looking for. This way, you will get the attention of old and new clients, and at the same time, you will expand your services and the possibility of extending your fitness community.
Answering Questions and Inconvenients from Gym Members and Online Users
One key point when marketing your services is to try to keep your customers and audiences as happy and comfortable as you can. That is why paying particular attention to these little details will play in your favor and will help you generate a strong brand image.
A business that showcases interest in its clients and keeps them as happy and informed as possible is the perfect way to demonstrate your commitment and attention to your members and audiences. A brand that listens to its user’s questions and solves the problems or inconveniences that might happen is a brand that will see a positive impact on its marketing strategies and perceive a higher benefit from it.
Be Genuine on Marketing Fitness
As discussed earlier, people can easily see through disingenuous acts. The moment you seem fake to your clients, they’ll immediately turn their heads away.
It must be remembered that a personal trainer’s success is built around their clientele and the community they have cultivated among the lives they have touched. Don’t be afraid to show off your personality! The more authentic you are, the more trustworthy you’ll be to prospect leads.
A point often overlooked by personal brands in the fitness industry is that they are touching millions of lives on a daily basis. Health can be a pretty personal topic for most people, that’s why they want to train with those who they deem to be trustworthy and genuine.
Create content that matters to your people and don’t be afraid to get personal with them through social media management! Tell them about your personal training, training sessions, how you manage your fitness business, and even about your meal plans. Get close to your gym members, that is one of the best gym marketing ideas there is for gyms and fitness businesses.
Why Great Fitness Promotions Matters
Having a personal brand ticks off several promotional boxes. For one, it improves visibility. It’s not enough for you to just put your name out there. You must be able to set yourself from everyone else by showing your value! Gym marketing ideas simply don’t grow in trees, if you don’t have the time to do it, let the experts help. Your services’ values increase when you have a following who already experienced and witnessed its greatness. This type of branding allows you to cultivate trustworthy connections and helps you build autonomy in the industry.
Trends may come and go but fitness marketing consultants know that trust and reputation matters. Now, cultivating your personal brand may seem like a big task but there are people ready to help you out! If you want people to visit your gym online and sign up for gym memberships you need the best gym marketing ideas to rank in search engine results and social media channels.
Schedule a Consultation
If you are struggling to attract new clients online, we could help with fitness marketing ideas for your fitness program. From Google Adwords, social media, and search engine rankings. You would not have any more problems with fitness marketing strategies. Call our team today to schedule a meeting with a fitness marketing consultant, and let us market your gym today!
Reaching out a Strong Marketing Team To Help me Design Ideas For my Business is a Good Idea?
Absolutely! A Marketing team that understands and share your brand and fitness values and goals is the perfect way to generate a stronger impact on your audience and increase the possibilities to achieve your brand objectives.
How Can I Support Personal Trainers for Them to Start Their Personal Brands?
By helping them identify their strengths and provide them with the information they need to know about your brand goals and vision, it will be easier for them to understand your approach and at the same time, to make their services attractive for your customers and clients.
Offering a Tryout Day to Your Facilities and Services is a Good Idea?
Tryout days and periods of time can help you catch the attention of many gym-goers. By giving them the chance to experience your services first handed, the chances of them joining your fitness business are higher. However, make sure that they have the best possible experience to really increase your chances of adding a new gym member.
What About Offering Different Fitness Classes According to the Fitness Level?
If you want to build a general marketing strategy that includes all kinds of gym goers, scheduling classes for each specific fitness level will help you to catch the attention of beginners and advanced gym goers.